Google TV Is Dead, Long Live Google-Powered TV | Will Greenwald |

As companies looking to get a foothold in the North American market explore ways to make their less expensive screens more feature-rich, we could finally see Android become a big force in home entertainment.

via Google TV Is Dead, Long Live Google-Powered TV | Will Greenwald |

Google And Intel, Welcome To The New American Conglomerate – Forbes

The big difference between the conglomerate today and yesterday is that in 1970 conglomerates bought up assets whereas in 2014 they will be heavily involved in new areas of business, designing and crafting new industries in collaboration with complex ecosystems.

Platform and ecosystem is key to that. So too is high-level talent as companies like Intel become multiple companies, each in need of inspiring leadership.

via Google And Intel, Welcome To The New American Conglomerate – Forbes.

Technology Patent Case Accepted by Top Court at Google’s Urging – Businessweek

The justices today said they will hear an appeal by Limelight Networks Inc. (LLNW:US), which is fighting a suit by Akamai Technologies Inc. (AKAM:US) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology over Akamai’s patented method for redirecting requests for Internet content to ensure access during periods of high demand. The companies compete with one another in that field.

via Technology Patent Case Accepted by Top Court at Google’s Urging – Businessweek.

How To Achieve Universal Health Coverage At Half The Cost – Forbes

America’s health care system suffers from two major problems.

First, 48 million people are without health insurance, any one of whom could be stricken by a serious ailment that would put them at risk of having to forgo proper care or incur a catastrophic financial loss.

Second, the continuing growth in health care spending (albeit at a slower pace in recent years) is compromising the fiscal soundness of the nation and becoming increasingly burdensome to households.

via How To Achieve Universal Health Coverage At Half The Cost – Forbes.

This Wall Street bull says the US energy boom could go on for decades – Quartz

EIA said last month, the US will be producing 9.6 million barrels of oil a day, 22% higher than the estimate it issued last year at this time. After that, US production will start a slow decline (chart), but that will only mean going back to last year’s impressive 7.5 million barrels a day by 2038

via This Wall Street bull says the US energy boom could go on for decades – Quartz.